What to do if you find a Animal in your Pool

is there an alive and Dangerous Animal in Your Pool?

If its alive and dangerous- like an alligator- call toll-free Nuisance Alligator Hotline at 866-FWC-GATOR (866-392-4286)!

For other dangerous animals call Palm Beach County Animal Services at 561-233-1200.

is there an alive and Not Dangerous Animal in Your Pool?

First get it out of your pool by scaring it away with loud noises like yelling and hitting the water with an object like a pool net. Many animals are protected so don’t intentionally harm them. You can also contact Palm Beach County Animal Services at 561-233-1200 or a licensed local wildlife removal company if it you don’t want to deal with it yourself.  Organized Pool Service is not licensed to catch or remove wildlife.

is there a Dead Animal in Your Pool?

Most dead animals in pools do not pose a health risk to swimmers, but some can like dead raccoons with parasites.

Most germs carried by small animals and rodents are killed by chlorine within minutes in a well-maintained pool. Please remove the dead animal with gloves and dispose of it in a secure trash can to prevent attractive scavengers. You can also contact Palm Beach County Animal Services at 561-233-1200 or a licensed local wildlife removal company if it you don’t want to deal with it yourself. Once safely removed you can swim in it again- unless it defecated, looks diseased or is a raccoon.

To be extra safe here are two options:

  • Call us for a intensive treatment!

    We can super chlorinate (shock) your pool, clean your filter and run your pump for 24 hours. We come back the next day and adjust the chemistry and clean the filter again so you can use your pool sooner. This intensive treatment costs $135 for normal sized residential pool and can be more for larger pools.

  • Wait 72 hours to swim

    Do not swim in your pool for 72 hours to be safe. Your properly chlorinated pool will kill all the germs and filter the water in that time.

Do You Have A Question Or A Concern? The Best Way To Contact Organized Pool Service Is Via Email. We Answer Promptly And When We Receive Emails We Can Save Our Communications Historically On Your Account.