Frequently Asked questions

Why should I keep my pool water at ideal level?

Your water level is very important and needs to be at the right height. This helps keep the pool running without complications. If this isn't maintained correctly the pump can draw in air. If it gets too low, then it can cause the motor to stop working and cause damage. The pipes can melt due to the steam the motor is producing when running without water. If this does happen, turn off the pump and call a certified pool technician to take a look at how much damage was caused.

How long should I run my pump?

Many pool owners don't leave their pumps running long enough, which can cause critical damage to other parts of the pool, such as the filter, heater, chlorinator, or automatic pool cleaner. These functions may not work at optimum performance without an efficient pump. It is recommended that you use a 2-speed pump and allow it to run 24/7. Learn more here.

Why should I maintain the correct PH balance?

Salt chlorination increases the pH level of the water in your pool, so if you don't add enough muriatic acid into your pool at least once a week, it can develop scale. Scale appears as white streaks on the walls of the pool, which can cause damage to the walls, especially if they are colored.

What are phosphates, where do they come from and why should we treat them?

Phosphates are mainly inorganic materials which feed and encourage algae growth and cloudy pool water. They are present in your landscaping and fertilizer materials which can be introduced through water run-off (rain and watering systems) and wind. Those phosphates can be deposited from environmental debris that enters your pool as well, such as leaves and tree droppings.  Also, you may be unknowingly adding phosphates to your water if you use any chemicals that contain phosphoric acid or phosphorus materials, or if your fill water has phosphates in it (as many towns are now using them).

Ideally, you want no phosphates in your water.  A level between 100-125 ppm is acceptable, but once you start to get higher than 500, it is time to start treatment. This phosphate treatment will remove the phosphates to thwart algae growth and keep your pool crystal clear.

Why is my pool water cloudy?

Your pool could be cloudy for many reasons. Chemistry could be out of balance (chlorine, pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness), your filter could be due for cleaning or replacement, algae could be developing, debris is present, or ammonia. If we just came to service your pool this should clear up as we would have balanced chemistry, cleaned your fitler (bi-weekly), and debris from brushing the walls of your pool. If you do not see this clear up by the following day, contact our office via email at

How long should I wait after my pool has been serviced to use my pool?

It is recommended to wait 20-60 minutes after we have balanced the chemistry in your pool so it can be cycled through. If Calcium is adjusted (which you'll see on your weekly report) please wait 2-4 hours so it can cycle through one full cycle in your system. If your pool is shocked please wait until your chlorine levels are back within ideal range (please reference our weekly pool reports) or 24 hours since we super chlorinated your pool. If muriatic acid is added (again please reference your weekly pool report to see what was added, please wait a minimum of 30 minutes.

Do you have a question or a concern? The best way to contact Organized Pool Service is via EMAIL. We answer promptly and when we receive emails we can save our communications historically on your account.