Storm Protocol for Pool Service

As you can imagine inclement weather situations are difficult to plan around as storms are unexpected, but Organized Pool Service’s techs do their best and treat your pool like their own.

During a storm our techs follow as many steps as they can while at your property, without putting themselves in danger.

  • If there is lightning in the area, we will not use metal equipment but we will ensure chemistry is balanced, and complete all other steps which do not require metal tools. Our techs have an app on their device which notifies them if there is lightning close to their location.

  • If there is heavy rain do not be surprised if there is no picture of your pool attached to your weekly email report as our techs leave their devices in their vehicle to prevent water damage.

  • If upon arrival it is unsafe to exit their vehicle they will stay at your property for the normally allotted time in the hopes the storm may pass during this time.

  • If your tech was unable to begin service, they will notify our office and we will reschedule your service visit.

  • If a partial visit is completed and the most important steps are followed to ensure proper sanitation of your pool water, we will add notes to your account and the following week when we come service your pool, additional steps will be taken to make up for the steps missed during the storm.

We thank our customers for their understanding and support and of course our customers know they can always choose to pay for an additional visit if they would like us to come back and provide an additional full pool service.

Do You Have A Question Or A Concern? The Best Way To Contact Organized Pool Service Is Via Email. We Answer Promptly And When We Receive Emails We Can Save Our Communications Historically On Your Account.