What to do if your Pool Equipment is Malfunctioning

If there is smoke, fire or your equipment smells strongly of gas call 911 immediately!

Is your Pool Equipment experiencing any of the following issues?

  • A Leak by the Equipment

  • Pool Water Level is Dropping Quickly (more than evaporation rate)

  • Loud or Grinding Noise by the Equipment

  • Smoke by the Equipment

  • Strong Smell by the Equipment

Please take the following steps:

  1. Turn off the equipment at the breaker box (do not just turn the pump off as it will turn back on again when the timer cycles through)

  2. Or adjust your system via your automation to Service Mode

  3. EMAIL US to let us know there is an issue!

Do you have a question or a concern? The best way to contact Organized Pool Service is via Email. We answer promptly and when we receive emails we can save our communications historically on your account.