How Long Should I Run My Pool Pump?

Swimming pools are designed to keep themselves clean with the filter and skimmer systems. These keep out debris that can foster the growth of algae.

How long should I run my pool pump everyday?

The industry guideline is to run the pump for at least one turnover every 24 hours.

Every swimming pool is unique. There are a lot of calculations made when building your pool in order to determine the pump sizing, plumbing diameter and filter sizing. These are important to ensure that your entire pool is being circulated and the turnover rate is satisfactory.

Here is an example to help you understand: For a 15,000 gallon pool, the pump is able to push 40 gallons per minute of water through the filter. That equates to 2,400 gallons per hour. At this rate it will take your pump 6.5 hours to filter the whole 15,000 gallons. That would be the recommended run time for this particular pool.

I always ran my pump for six and half hours, why am I encountering issues now?

Unfortunately as the equipment ages and the filter performance deteriorates, the pump that once pushed 40 gallons per minute, now only pushes 35 gallons per minute. Your pool pump will have to run longer now to turnover all the pool water in your pool.

Should I run my pool pump longer in the summer?

Yes! Outdoor temperatures is a huge factor in the growth of algae. During the summers in Florida, when the temperatures soar, the pool pump should be run longer to help filter out algae causing debris and bacteria. Algae is a plant and grows in the water and plants have little activity during colder months. Therefore, you could run your pump less time during the winter, but you will need to increase the timer as soon as spring temperatures come around.

So how long should the average pool pump run during the summer?

To make this process simple, it easier for homeowners to follow this basic guideline: for every 10 degrees of outdoor temperature run your pump for one hour. So if the average temperature is 60 degrees, run your pump for 6 hours. If the average temperature is 80 degrees, run your pump for 8 hours. That is the reason why in south Florida we recommend a minimum of 9 hours during the summer.

How can I save money on my electric bill if my pool pump is running so much?

We sell and install variable speed pumps which are more energy efficient and can help you save money on your electric bill. This is especially helpful if you have an older pump.

Contact Organized Pool Service if you have any questions about your pool pump or how long it should be running.

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